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Oct 24, 20244 min read
The Collapse of Cognition as a Science
Cognition could be described as the process of acquiring knowledge from the environment by sensory processes, or the system of language...
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Oct 20, 20244 min read
This blog is for people who believe in Science. That is, those who are looking for the objective truth according to observation and...
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Oct 12, 20242 min read
Population coding is not physically possible
Let's take a very simple example of a stimulus, the number 01. To get that complete stimulus from the environment to the brain, the two...
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Oct 5, 20249 min read
Neurons cannot transmit information
In some senses, the fundamental question in cognition is not how neurons in the brain manipulate information, but why the ones in the...
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Sep 25, 20241 min read
Why one thing can't be another
The possibility is repeatedly mooted that cognition (and/or conscious experience) simply is neural activity, or that consciousness is ...
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